Dr. Lauren Zucker is a high school English teacher, professor of education and literacy, writer, and researcher.

- B.A. in English, Boston University
- B.S. in Secondary English Education, Boston University
- M.A. in English, Rutgers University
- Ph.D. in Contemporary Learning and Interdisciplinary Research (specialization: digital literacies), Fordham University
Lauren’s writing has appeared in peer-reviewed journals such as English Journal, Reading Research Quarterly, and the Journal of Language and Literacy Education (access recent publications, here). Her students’ work has been featured in The New York Times, Three Teachers Talk, Sketchnote Army, and Six Word Memoirs.
Her research interests include adolescent literacy, digital literacies, and reading motivation. Her dissertation explored adolescents’ out-of-school digital reading practices. Lauren is currently working on a research project that compares print and digital reading and annotation.
Lauren is the co-editor of New Jersey English Journal, winner of the 2021 Affiliate Journal of Excellence Award from NCTE, and a seasoned presenter of workshops and professional development for teachers, often through her involvement with NCTE, the D-LITE Commission, and the Drew Writing Project.
Lauren also serves on the NJEA Women in Education Committee and co-founded their “Building a Family” workshop series. She was a member of the inaugural cohort of Paid Leave Leaders through the NJ Time to Care Coalition.
Lauren teaches English at Northern Highlands Regional High School, and teaches education courses at Drew University, Fordham University, and Montclair State University.
For more information, see her LinkedIn profile.
Feel free to contact Lauren at lauren6@gmail.com, or via Twitter @LGZreader.