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Content accessed (12/11/16) and reproduced from NDT Resource Center, Chemistry Stack Exchange, and FunTrivia.
Content accessed (12/18/16) and reproduced from Letterpile and East of the Web.
Across four videos, Kiley’s lengthiest activities were as follows: writing a poem about dating* (14:39), playing a web-based game called “Doodle Jump”* (12:41), reading part of a short story entitled “Miss Brill”* (4:53), reading part of a short story entitled “The Gift of the Magi”* (3:34), reading about chemistry elements on (3:00), reading Google search results’ definition of “valence electrons” (1:10), and reading Google search results’ definition of “isotope” (1:05).
*Those marked with an asterisk were viewed and discussed during the participant’s stimulated recall interview.