Learn in Your PJs with Free Digital Literacy PD
Are you interested in digital literacy? Would you like to do some professional learning from the comfort of your living room? Then read on to learn about 11 upcoming opportunities to jump-start your digital literacy knowledge!
Drew University’s DrewTEACH program is offering a full slate of free virtual professional development on digital literacy this spring. Learn about topics such as collaborative annotation, fake news, and ethical communities from the comfort of your couch by registering for the free series that begins January 21 and runs through April 7.

The series launches Tuesday, January 21 with a kick-off lecture by Dr. Kristen H. Turner (@teachKHT) on “The Ethical Dimensions of Teaching Digital Literacy.” The DrewTeach twitter account (@DrewTEACHnj) reports that “PD certificates will be provided upon request.”

Your Next Must-Read: The Ethics of Digital Literacy

The spring workshop series coincides with the publication of a new edited collection, The Ethics of Digital Literacy (2020). I’m honored to have contributed a chapter with my colleague Dr. Nicole Damico entitled, “Online with Intention: Promoting Digital Health and Wellness in the Classroom.” Check out the full Table of Contents to preview the full chapter list and see the incredible line-up of educators and researchers who contributed to this timely volume.
Want Even More Digital Literacy PD? Catch Up on Recent NCTE Twitter Chats
If you’re looking for even more free, virtual PD on your own schedule, be sure to catch up on the transcripts from two recent digital literacy-focused Twitter chats organized by NCTE (#NCTEchat).

Check out September’s chat on “Beliefs for Integrating Digital Literacy into the English Language Arts Classroom.” hosted by Troy Hicks (@hickstro), Tom Liam Lynch (@tomliamlynch), Nicole Damico (nicolerdamico), and myself (@LGZreader). Read the full transcript, here.

Also, be sure to learn about NCTE’s newly released “Definition of Literacy in a Digital Age” in the chat hosted by Shelbie Witte (@shelbiewitte). The transcript has not been posted, yet, but you can search the hashtag #NCTEchat to read the recent posts in reverse. Check here for the full transcript.
Happy online learning, educators!