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Reproduced with permission, from the Lonely Planet website © 2017, Lonely Planet. Additional content accessed (11/15/16) and reproduced from the University of Arizona and Google Docs.
Content accessed (11/20/16) and reproduced from Northern Highlands, Canvas, and Microsoft Word.
Across four videos, Ethan’s lengthiest activities were as follows: working on a college application by transferring information over from a report card* (15:01), playing a car racing game* (12:27), writing a brainstorming document for an English assignment* (10:15), writing a lab report about wildlife in Ecuador* (6:40), re-reading the English teacher’s model for the an analytical essay* (3:02), skimming through assignment instructions for science class while talking with classmates* (2:45), checking the school website* (1:23).
*Those marked with an asterisk were viewed and discussed during the participant’s stimulated recall interview.