
Select Conference Presentations

Zucker, L. (2023). Teacher-writers and publication [keynote]. Let’s connect: Celebrating teacher writers! National Writing Project & Drew Writing Project, Drew University, Madison, NJ.

Witte, S., Bonner, S., Homrich-Knieling, M., Linn, F., Pizzo, J., Robbins, M.m Willis, T., & Zucker, L. (2020). Writing can change everything: Middle-level kids writing themselves into the world. National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention, Denver, CO, November 20-22.

Zucker, L., & Hodge, E. (2019). Reflecting on your practice: Write for the new jersey english journal. New Jersey Council of Teachers of English Spring Conference, Ridgewood, NJ, March 30.

Zucker, L. (2018). Motivating digital readers and writers. Empowering teachers, empowering learners: Technology and transformation. National Council of Teachers of English, Houston, TX.

Zucker, L. (2018). Voice, selfmaking, and worldmaking: Research on writing, literature, and literacies. National Council of Teachers of English, Houston, TX.

Zucker, L. (2018). Preparing preservice teachers to teach digital literacies. Raising the voices of teacher educators through digital literacies. National Council of Teachers of English, Houston, TX.

Zucker, L. (2018). Twitter: A powerful professional development tool. DrewTEACH Winter Conference: Developing Digital Literacies. Drew University, Madison, NJ.

Zucker, L. (2018). Open badges in the K-12 classroom. New Jersey Educational Computing Collaborative Annual Conference. Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ. 

Zucker, L. (2017). Adolescents’ out-of-school digital reading practices. Capturing digital literacies in action: Using video to study students’ out-of-school literacies. National Council of Teachers of English, St. Louis, MO.

Zucker, L. (2017). Adolescents’ digital reading practices: What are they doing well, and what can we teach them. The next chapter in digital literacies: Teacher education for today and tomorrow. National Council of Teachers of English, St. Louis, MO.

Zucker, L. (2017). Adolescents’ out-of-school digital reading practices. Sharing our voices: Preparing teacher educators for today, tomorrow, forever. National Council of Teachers of English, St. Louis, MO.

Zucker, L. (2016). Adolescents’ digital reading practices. National Council of Teachers of English, Atlanta, GA.

Zucker, L. (2016). Using digital tools to strengthen academic vocabulary with ESL students. National Council of Teachers of English, Atlanta, GA.

Zucker, L. (2016). Assessing adolescents’ motivation to read. American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.

Zucker, L. (2015). Adolescents’ motivation to read in a digital age. National Council of Teachers of English, Minneapolis, MN.

[Note: Presentations given prior to 2016 will appear under the surname Goldberg.]

Franzen, J., Peters, B., Goldberg, L., Brown, D., Dona, E., & Fasimpaur, K. (2014, invited speaker) TTT#378 A case for food literacy w/ joseph franzen, brent peters, lauren goldberg, devin brown, elfe dona, karen fasimpaur 1.15. Teachers Teaching Teachers Webinar.

Goldberg, L. (2014). Structuring student book clubs to encourage collaboration: Online and face-to-face. Presentation at the annual institute for the Digital Literacies Collaborative, New York, NY.

Goldberg, L. (2014). Outstanding books challenge: A program evaluation of a voluntary high school reading program. Presentation at the annual research celebration for Fordham University’s Graduate School of Education, New York, NY.

Goldberg, L., Goldberg, G., & Siegel, B. (2014). Everything is an argument: A regional effort to advance professional learning in argument writing. New Jersey Writing Alliance, Lakewood, NJ.

Webb, A., Goldberg, L., Clark, S.J., Maher, S., & Merani, G. (2014). Using food to teach argumentation and media literacy. Food in the English Classroom. National Council of Teachers of English, National Harbor, MD.

Goldberg, L. (2013). Using google docs to reimagine teacher and student collaboration throughout the writing process. National Council of Teachers of English, Boston, MA.

Webb, A., DeOliviera, B., Goldberg, L., Jeffers, L., & Voskuil, G. (2013, respondent). Teaching about food in english language arts. National Council of Teachers of English, Boston, MA.

School-Based Professional Development

Zucker, L. (2016). Developing a professional learning network (PLN) for K-12 educators. Professional development workshop presented at Northern Highlands Regional High School, Allendale, NJ.

Zucker, L. (2016). Twitter chats for K-12 educators (hybrid workshop). Professional development workshop presented at Northern Highlands Regional High School, Allendale, NJ and virtually.

Hayes, K. & Zucker, L. (2016). Getting started with canvas learning management system. Professional development workshop presented at Northern Highlands Regional High School, Allendale, NJ.

Zucker, L. (2016). Using the TPACK framework in english language arts to incorporate technology thoughtfully. Professional development workshop presented at Northern Highlands Regional High School, Allendale, NJ.

Zucker, L. (2016). Using the TPACK framework in mathematics to incorporate technology thoughtfully. Professional development workshop presented at Northern Highlands Regional High School, Allendale, NJ.

[Note: Presentations given prior to 2016 will appear under the surname Goldberg.]

Siegel, B., Goldberg, L., Goldberg, J., Hayes, K. (2015). Digital citizenship. Professional development workshop presented at Northern Highlands Regional High School, Allendale, NJ.

Goldberg, L. (2014). Using the lenovo helix tablet and introduction to windows 8. Professional development workshop presented at Northern Highlands Regional High School, Allendale, NJ.

Goldberg, L. (2014). Using the lenovo helix tablet in the english classroom. Presentation to the English department at Northern Highlands Regional High School, Allendale, NJ.

Goldberg, L. (2012). Google docs in the classroom. Faculty meeting presentation at Northern Highlands Regional High School, Allendale, NJ.

Goldberg, L. (2012). Google docs in the content areas: Advanced class. Professional development workshop presented at Northern Highlands Regional High School, Allendale, NJ.

Goldberg, L. (2011). Blogs and wikis in the classroom. Professional development workshop presented at Northern Highlands Regional High School, Allendale, NJ.

Goldberg, L. (2011). Google docs in the content Areas. Professional development workshop presented at Northern Highlands Regional High School, Allendale, NJ.

Goldberg, L. (2010). Blogs and wikis in the classroom. Professional development workshop presented at Northern Highlands Regional High School, Allendale, NJ.