Get Ready for World Sketchnote Day!
Get your flair pens and styluses ready! This Friday, January 11 is World Sketchnote Day!
What is sketchnoting? According to Tanny McGregor, the simplest definition is “words and pictures.” Want to know more? See my post on visual notetaking (aka sketchnoting).
How can you celebrate World Sketchnote Day? Here are some suggestions from the Days of the Year website, courtesy of Sketchnote Army (see below):
…Start by using social media as the grounds for sharing your work. Submit your notes to the Sketchnote Army and see if they like your work. You can also post your notes on social media using the hashtag #worldsketchnoteday and explain to people why you use the visual sketches in your notes to remember ideas.
This Friday, there’s a Pass the Sketchnote project (@PTSketchNote) that groups participants into teams to create collaborative sketchnotes throughout the day. Sign up, here. I might be brave enough to join in on the fun!

I recently came across Sketchnote Army, an international group dedicated to all things sketchnoting. I’ve just scratched the surface with their resources, but they have a blog, a podcast, and a very active Slack channel for group messaging.
The Sketchnote Army Slack channel includes a forum for daily doodles: quick, 20-second doodles on post-in notes that respond to a given prompt. I might adapt the “daily doodle” concept in my English classes to celebrate World Sketchnote Day. We may also begin a collaborative draft of a blog post on our recent sketchnoting of Kafka’s The Metamorphosis.
However you celebrate, don’t forget to post your sketchnotes on social media with the hashtag: #worldsketchnoteday