Using Literacy for Advocacy
In honor of Advocacy Month, the Writers Who Care blog has invited educators to talk about literacy and advocacy by posting a 90-second video on Flipgrid. My students decided to tweak their prompt to reflect on how we use literacy for advocacy.
Here is the video response from my classroom.
From Of Mice and Men to Advocacy
After students finished reading Of Mice and Men, I challenged them to investigate a contemporary issue raised by the classic text. Students researched and wrote about issues such as sexism, racism, ageism, and ableism. Then, they researched advocacy organizations that aligned to their arguments. Some students reached out to their advocacy groups to learn how to get involved.
To share their work, students posted information about their advocacy groups on these three collaborative texts:
Celebrating Advocacy Month in Your Classroom
There’s still time in March to contribute to the Flipgrid. For more ideas about celebrating Literacy Advocacy, see NCTE’s list of activities–including 12 that take less than 10 minutes!
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